Evaluation of Wheat Genotypes and their F1 Progenies for Waxiness and Pubescence Related Traits
Wheat, Waxiness, Pubescence, Durum Wheat, Landraces, F1Abstract
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the third largest cereal crop but its yield is constantly challenged by different biotic and abiotic factors. Wheat domestication shaped the evolution of waxiness and pubescence as defensive barriers against biotic and abiotic stresses and indirectly contributed to better wheat yield potential. Understanding the role of these traits in the realm of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance and their relationship to yield is pivotal for stable wheat production. This study was designed to evaluate indigenous and exotic wheat germplasm and F1 progenies for waxiness and pubescence, and their relationship to better yield potential. The wheat germplasm was sown in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications at the Agriculture Research Field of Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan. Data collected for waxiness, pubescence, leaf rust, yellow rust and yield-related traits was subjected to an R-package for graphical and tabular presentation. Results revealed that out of 100 wheat germplasm used in this study, the majority of them possessed waxy leaves (59%) while glossy germplasm accounted for 41%. The high number of glossy lines among durum and landraces and the absence of glossy leaf lines in modern Pakistani cultivars suggest that the waxy attribute has been continuously selected by breeders to develop modern cultivars to combat drastic heat and drought stresses. The presence of an abundant number of hairy germplasm both in landraces and modern varieties suggests that the pubescence of flag leaf, auricle and glumes might be attributed to natural and artificial selection. Flag leaf hairiness, glume hairiness and flag leaf waxiness traits showed a highly significant correlation (0.1546**,0.2986** and 0.1308**) with 1000GW at p-vale = 0.01 respectively, thus suggesting this trait to be used for breeding for disease resistance. Flag leaf waxiness and glume hairiness showed high heritability and the F1 progenies constructed exhibited heritable waxiness and pubescence traits which may be further extended to F2 generation for genetic mapping of novel genes controlling waxiness and pubescence.
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