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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or Word document file format.
  • First, please, download the format of the JWR Articles and set your article as per format then submit your article in two files. Please download the English/Urdu language Template of Articles on the Submission Page
  • The "article Text" file is separate without the names and contact information of the author(s). The second file "Authors' Information" along with the title and abstract is separate. Both files are attached.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided and APA 6th edition style is applied. (Please download a published manuscript for reference)
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • NOTE: JWR uses only three (03) authors in an article policy. 

Author Guidelines

Directions for Writing & Editing:

NOTE: JAI uses a maximum of six (05) authors in an article policy in especially Asian countries, there can be relaxation with other countries after the review of 'explanatory notes from the corresponding author' by the editor. 

Page size is A4 paper
While composing the manuscript, please follow;
(i) For matter, font size: (English: 12)
(ii) For the title of the manuscript, font size: (English: 14 BOLD)
(iii) For the main heading, font size: (English: 14);
(iv) For sub-headings, font size: ( English: 12, BOLD)
(v) For font style:( English: Book Antiqua);
(vi) Must go through the “” check before submission. 


The Manuscripts may contain the following headings:

Research Article:

Must be in the English language. (150 to 250 words)
Must be a minimum of 5
The introduction must include the objective, methodology, distinctive characteristics of the research work, and conclusion.
Literature Review/Data Collection:
Detailed and comprehensive literature closely concerned with the topic of the research
In this part of the article, the author presents their views and research in detail.
The conclusion should be presented in a logical sequence.
References should be made according to the following guidelines:
(i) In-text citation (authors’ name, year of publication, page number)
(ii) References in endnotes
(iii) While giving references, APA 7th edition Style should be adopted.
(v) Quranic or Semitic Religious Books’ verses are presented in Arabic script.
(vi) Reference style Al-Quran 2:184
(vii) The Research Article's word limit is 4000-6000 words.

Book Reviews:

Must be in the English language. (Maximum 250 words)
Must be a minimum of 5
The introduction must include the objective, methodology, distinctive characteristics of the reviewed work, and conclusion.
Review of the Book:
Standard as given by APA
The word limit is 2500-4000


Conference Proceedings/Reports:

Must be in the English language. (Maximum 500 words)
Must be a minimum of 10
Themes (for the conference):
The word limit is 3000-5000


Publishing Process & Calendar: 

  1. Presently, JAI is publishing quarterly;
  2. Call for Papers is open for the whole year, especially each January and July
  3. Desk Review within 1 week after submission.
  4. APC payment is required within 3 days after acceptance intimation.
  5. Expert Blind Peer Reviews within 2/4 weeks after submission
  6. The First reviewers' comments are required to be incorporated by the author within 1/2 weeks.
  7. The second reviewers' comments are required to be incorporated by the author within the next 1/2 weeks.
  8. The upgraded paper would be verified for its revision or degradation by the section editors within 1/2 weeks.
  9. The paper is re-upgraded by the author within 1/2 weeks if the section editor is not satisfied. 
  10. Manuscripts to the Editing & Publishing section within 1 week after positive reviews
  11. Online Publication within 1 week after editing.
  12. The complete publication process is 1 month and 3 weeks (if reviews are positive)
  13. Printed Copy of the Edition can be requested in June and December of every year on an additional payment of Rs. 3000 and $30 (out of Pakistan) for courier charges



Publishing Process & Calendar: 

  1. Presently, JAI is publishing biannually.
  2. call for Papers is open for the whole year, especially each January and July
  3. Desk review within 1 week after submission.
  4. APC payment is required within 3 days after acceptance notification.
  5. Expert Blind Peer Reviews within 2–4 weeks after submission
  6. The first reviewers' comments are required to be incorporated by the author within two weeks.
  7. The second reviewer's comments are required to be incorporated by the author within the next 2–3 weeks.
  8. The upgraded paper would be verified for revision or degradation by the section editors within 2–4 weeks.
  9. The paper is re-upgraded by the author within 2 weeks if the section editor is not satisfied. 
  10. Manuscripts to the Editing & Publishing section within 1 week after positive reviews
    Online publication within 1 week after editing.
  11. The complete publication process is 1 month and 3 weeks (if reviews are positive)
  12. A printed copy of the Edition can be requested in June and December of every year on an additional payment of Rs. 3000 and $30 (out of Pakistan) for courier charges
    NOTE: (Very Important) The above publication duration is for those research papers which fulfil the following requirements:
  13. JAI online format i.e., Running Head, Title in Capitalization, Authors' identification at right places, APA reference with coming edition, Subject and Discipline, Abstract of less than 250 words, five Keywords with comma separated, content in two columns with given font and size, References in alphabetical order, Annexures
  14. The paper is according to the Ethical and Similarity Index policies of HEC and COPE 
  15.  The reviews of both reviewers are 100 percent positive, without any change or upgrade.


Fees & Sponsorships / Source(s) of funding: 

  1. Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Cutting-Edge Research (JAI) does not charge any fee for subscription, Signup, submission of articles, and downloading/reading of published articles as it is an Open Access Journal.
  2. Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Cutting-Edge Research (JAI) does not receive a Publication Fee but Article Processing Charges only PKR 20,000/- up to five authors (APC will be PKR 4000 for each author in case of more than 5 authors) for Pakistan/Asian countries, and USD 250 for C1 i.e. United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Eurozone countries (e.g., Germany, France, Italy), Australia, Japan, Switzerland, Singapore, South Korea, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Mexico, Turkey, Malaysia, Thailand, Argentina, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Chile, Saudi Arabia, UAE and USD 110 for C2 i.e. all remaining countries for all processes i.e., the Desk review process, two National or International Reviews, publication, Communication Services, Archiving and Data Management, Online availability of Articles, and Indexing Services, etc. Journal can provide the contact of those External Editors who can help you increase the acceptance chances of your paper. APC is non-refundable.
  3. Canada
    Bank Name: Scotia Bank Canada
    Financial Institution Code: 002
    Branch Number: (on request or in Acceptance email)
    Account Number: 0040xxxx (on request or in Acceptance email)
  4.  (Bank Name: Allied Bank of Pakistan,
    Title of Account: "BWO Researches (Private)",
    Account Number: 07570010093793370016, OR
    IBAN: PK81ABPA0010093793370016)
  5. OR Paypal ""
  6. you can ask for an International Bank account through email at ""
  7. JAI offers FULL WAIVER of publication fee to the authors,
    1. For a Full Professor in a university or research institution only on his/her part. The waiver is not for supervised work articles. In collaborative work, other authors will pay their part of APC. We are very hopeful that the Respected Professor will maintain the Quality of the research work.  
    2. JAI offers a 20% wave-off in APC in each paper to the first author, who submits (02) papers at a time. The supervisory work papers are not included in this concession. We are very hopeful that the Respected Authors will maintain the Quality of the research work.


Additional Services:

  1. Cost: $10 for “Acceptance letter for the Publication” of the paper for official usage
  2. Cost: $10 for upload of full-text PDF to “ResearchGate” and “Google Scholar”
  3. Cost: $10 for upload of full-text PDF to “Academia” and “Scholar One”.
  4. Cost: $10 for display of name as an Editorial Review Board Member appointment for an edition.
  5. Cost: $20 for a Complimentary E-Certificate of Excellent Review Award on a 5-star level.
  6. Cost: $30 for hard copy certificates (Board Member Certificate/Publication Certificate/Excellent Reviewer Award) mailed to your address.



The International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Cutting Edge Research issues the following types of certificates to recognize the contributions and achievements within the academic research community. Each certificate is issued as a hard copy and mailed to the recipient, featuring an individual QR code for verification in the journal's database. Price: $20

  1. Certificate of Publication: Given to authors whose papers have been successfully published in the journal on demand. 
  2. Certificate of Review: Awarded to peer reviewers who have completed the review process for at least three papers with only a 4 or 5-star level review in one edition.
  3. Certificate of Editorial Board Membership: Provided to individuals who serve on the journal's editorial board for a minimum of 1 year. This certificate recognizes their ongoing commitment to the journal and their role in guiding its editorial direction.
  4. Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing: Awarded to reviewers who have consistently provided thorough, insightful, and timely 5-star level reviews. This certificate highlights the excellence and importance of their role in the peer review process.
  5. Certificate of Best Paper Award: Given to the authors of the paper deemed the best among all those published in a particular issue or volume.
  6. Certificate of Participation: Issued to individuals who volunteer to perform services assigned by the journal in special events organized by BWO Researches International, such as conferences, workshops, or webinars.
  7. Certificate of Collaboration: Given to institutions, organizations, or individuals who have collaborated with the journal on special research projects, initiatives, or partnerships.
  8. Certificate of Appreciation: Provided to individuals or organizations in recognition of their support, sponsorship, or other contributions to the journal's activities and mission.

Please pay the fee through PayPal '' or ask for the bank account number at '' with the title of the certificate.


Editorial Ethics:

  1. JAI follows Ethical Guidelines for Journals given by HEC Islamabad and COPE Publication Ethics available for authors, reviewers, publishers, and editors guidelines at; JAI applies the Author Black List policy for those Authors who use unethical tactics, present fake documents or plagiarized papers or misconduct with the Team of the journal. 


Plagiarism Policy

  1. JAI follows the plagiarism policy of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan. Manuscripts are to be original and must not be plagiarized. Each submission is checked for plagiarism by Turnitin. If the Similarity is above 19% then it is sent back to revise accordingly. If in any case, it has come to know after publication, that manuscript will be immediately removed from the website and the authors will be stamped barred. 


  1. Articles
    Section default policy

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Archiving Backup

  1.  JAI applied for the LOCKSS license that will appear in About the Journal under Archiving: LOCKSS License and CLOCKSS license that will appear in About the Journal under Archiving: CLOCKSS License


Open Access Policy

  1. JAI, an OAJ (Open Access Journal), allows humanity to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the part or full texts published immediately on the JAI site with reference for a legitimate purpose under the license “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)"