Agricultural Chromium Contaminated Water may Induced Hepatic Toxicity and their Amelioration by Morus nigra Fruit Extract
histopathological, , amelioration,, hepatocyte,, kupffer cells, necrosisAbstract
The uneducated farmer does not know the chemical quality of soil and water which is used for irrigation. Sometimes the soil/water may contain some toxic chemicals, which may cause anomalies in their consumers. The present study reveals the histopathological and micrometric changes of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) exposure and their ameliorations upon post-treatment of Morus nigra fruit pulp extract (M). Thirty male mice were equally distributed as control (C) without any treatment, chromium (Cr) and chromium morus (CrM) treated group, were given 50ppm Cr for 10 days in drinking water but the CrM group was additionally given 0.2ml M / 12 hourly for next 5days. Results indicate that Cr exposure leads to pathological signs in the hepatic architecture of hepatic cords and necrosis of the hepatocytes leading to fibrosis. The numbers, mean relative area and CSA of hepatocytes decreased while liver fractional weight, CSA of hepatocytes nuclei, central veins, sinusoidal spaces, and numbers of kupffer cells significantly increased in Cr treated group but there were signs of recovery like the hepatoblastic proliferation and rehabilitation of hepatic cords in CrM treated group. The histological, haematological, and statistically analyzed micrometric data show that post-treatment of M convincingly recovers the hepatic pathologies.
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