Assessment of Spent-Wash Application on Soil Characteristics and Wheat Growth Dynamics

Assessment of Spent-Wash Application on Soil Characteristics and Wheat Growth Dynamics


  • Ashique Ali Chohan Student, Department of Energy and Environment, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandoam, Pakistan,
  • Nadir Ali Rajput Student, Department of Energy and Environment, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandoam, Pakistan,
  • Sheeraz Aleem Brohi Student, Department of Energy and Environment, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandoam, Pakistan,
  • Komal Qasim Student, Department of Energy and Environment, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandoam, Pakistan,
  • Mir Murtaza Student, Department of Energy and Environment, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandoam, Pakistan,


Spent wash, Soil Properties, Wheat Growth, Soil fertility, Wastewater management


This study evaluated the effectiveness of combining a spent wash with chemical fertilizers. Wheat (TJ-83) was cultivated, and distillery spent wash was applied for irrigation at 0% (100% canal water with chemical fertilizer), 10%, 20%, and 30% dilution. The parameters of soil and spent wash pH, EC, S, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Na, COD, BOD, TDS, TSS, pH, EC, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg were analyzed. Analysis results indicated the significant effects of a spent wash concentration on soil properties. Maximum soil pH (8.0) and N (0.92%) were recorded at 30% concentration, along with the highest Ca (32.5 mg/kg), EC (0.015S/m, and SAR (0.22). Maximum P (4.36 mg/kg) and K (180 mg/kg) were noted at 20% concentration, with the lowest Na (20 mg/kg) and S (2.72 mg/kg). Mg (60 mg/kg) was highest at 10% concentration. Variance analysis showed significant effects of soil depth post-harvest. Maximum pH (8.0), P (4.36 mg/kg, and Ca (15 mg/kg) were at 12 inches depth, while maximum K (180 mg/kg), Mg (60 mg/kg), Na (45 mg/kg), and S (34.42 mg/kg) were at 6 inches depth. The concentration of spent wash had a significant impact on wheat growth parameters, with the tallest plant height reaching (72 cm), tillers (308), grain weight per spike (1.373 g), and grains per spike (79) at 30% concentration.


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How to Cite

Ashique Ali Chohan, Rajput, N. A., Brohi, S. A., Komal Qasim, & Mir Murtaza. (2025). Assessment of Spent-Wash Application on Soil Characteristics and Wheat Growth Dynamics. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Cutting-Edge Research (HEC Recognised), 3(1), 47–56. Retrieved from