Effect of Biochar and Moisture Regimes on the Physiology and Yield of Maize

Effect of Biochar and Moisture Regimes on the Physiology and Yield of Maize


  • Zarghoona Naz PhD, Department of Botany, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan
  • Summera Jahan Institute of Botany, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan


Biochar, Soil, Hybrid, Chlorophyll, Klin


In the face of declining water resources and increasing need for water requirements for agricultural purposes under changing climatic conditions. Nowadays the world is an overlay with a lot of problems for crop production among them drought is the most harmful. The three maize hybrids (Dk-2088, Yh-5427, and Dk-6317) were sown on 16 February 2023 to explore the suitable level of biochar under different moisture regimes (100% ETC, 80%ETC, 60% ETC,) level of biochar was applied at the rate of 0 tons/ha (no Biochar), 5 tons per hectare, and 10 tons per hectare (The experiment was conducted in a split-plot design according to RCBD). The present study was conducted in the village Hardas Pur district (Gujrat) at locations 32°38.37’N, and 74°9.00’E to identify the appropriate level of biochar under three moisture regimes (100%, 80% and 60%). The research focuses on adding activated biochar to the soil applied at the rate of 5 tons ha−1, 10 tons ha−1, and 0 tons ha−1 under three water deficit conditions FI, Full irrigation treatments, OI optimum irrigation, 80%, and DI deficit irrigation 60%. Biochar treatment under optimum irrigation gave better growth and yield than deficit irrigation. The application of biochar significantly mitigated the reduction in thousand-seed weight and seed weight per cob under water deficit conditions, improving these traits by 8.02-28% compared to non-amended soil. The highest values were observed in DK-6317 under full irrigation, with marked improvements across hybrids and irrigation levels. This research highlights biochar's effectiveness in enhancing maize growth, yield, and physiological traits under full, optimum, and deficit irrigation regimes. Amending soil with 10 tons per hectare of biochar significantly improved soil health and agricultural productivity, showcasing its potential as a sustainable soil amendment.


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How to Cite

Zarghoona Naz, & Summera Jahan. (2024). Effect of Biochar and Moisture Regimes on the Physiology and Yield of Maize. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Cutting-Edge Research (HEC Recognised), 2(4), 96–104. Retrieved from https://jai.bwo-researches.com/index.php/jwr/article/view/82