Determinants of Utilization and Satisfaction

Determinants of Utilization and Satisfaction

An Empirical Analysis of Agricultural Extension Services in Pakistan


  • Waqas Shair Senior Lecturer, Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Tayyab Associate Professor, Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan
  • Haleema Afzal Independent researcher, Pakistan
  • Usman Bashir National College of Business Administration & Economics (NCBA&E), Pakistan


Agricultural extension, Farmers, Ordered Logit, Pakistan


Agricultural extension services are crucial for the development and sustainability of the farming communities. These services equip farmers with access to modern agriculture techniques, technologies, and scientific knowledge. Such information empowers farmers to enhance crop yields, utilize resources more effectively, and respond to environmental and market challenges. Moreover, extension programs enhance the overall productivity and economic stability of agricultural sectors by ensuring that innovations are tailored to local needs. Recognizing the significance of agricultural extension, this study is an attempt to investigate the factors affecting farmers’ utilization and satisfaction with these services. The study uses the Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measurement (PSLM) Survey conducted in 2020. The study uses the ordered logit model to estimate the impact of various covariates on utilization and satisfaction. The aftermaths of the regression model suggest that socio-economic, demographic, and regional factors play an important role in shaping the use and satisfaction of agricultural extension services. Notably, the accessibility factors, such as time, distance, and mode of transport to visit the service locations also play a crucial role. The findings of the study offer valuable insights for government agencies, agricultural researchers and development organizations in undertaking measures to improve the effectiveness and utilization of agricultural extension services.


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How to Cite

Shair, W., Tayyab, M., Afzal, H., & Bashir, U. (2024). Determinants of Utilization and Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis of Agricultural Extension Services in Pakistan. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Cutting-Edge Research (HEC Recognised), 2(4), 41–51. Retrieved from