Influence of Organic Amendments on Maize Productivity
Agronomy, Farmyard, Biochar, Maize Crop, PhysiologicalAbstract
A field study was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar in the summer 2023 to evaluate the response of biochar, farmyard manure and NPK application on maize yield. The field trial was conducted in randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Plot size of 3 m x 4.5 m with a plant-to-plant distance of 25 cm and row to row distance of 75 cm was maintained. Three levels of biochar (0, 5 and 10 t ha-1), three levels of farmyard manure (0, 4 and 8 t ha-1) and two levels of NPK (0% and 50% (N: 75 kg, P: 60 kg, and K: 45 kg ha-1) of the recommended dose) were studied on maize hybrid CS-200. Biochar and farmyard manure were applied to the soil 20 days before sowing the crop. Experimental results revealed that the effect of biochar, farmyard manure and NPK application on the duration of emergence, emergence m-2, number of plants at harvest (ha-1) and number ears m-2 of maize was non-significant. Biochar application at the rate of 10 t ha-1 to soil significantly enhanced plant height (194 cm), numbers of grains ear-1 (403), thousand grains weight (355 g), biological yield (12260 kg ha-1), grain yield (4013 kg ha-1), harvest index (33 %) and soil pH (7.66) with delayed days to tasseling (56), days to silking (64) and days to physiological maturity (104). Farmyard manure application at the rate of 8 t ha-1 to soil significantly increased plant height (193 cm), numbers of grains ear-1 (400), thousand grains weight (352 g), biological yield (12187 kg ha-1), grain yield (3943 kg ha-1), harvest index (32 %), soil pH (7.62) and soil electric conductivity (1.19 dS m-1) with delayed days to tasseling (56), days to silking (64) and days to physiological maturity (104). NPK application at the rate of 50 % of the recommended dose maintained maximum plant height (191 cm), numbers of grains ear-1 (402), thousand grains weight (349 g), biological yield (11958 kg ha-1) grain yield (3788 kg ha-1), harvest index (31 %), and soil electric conductivity (1.23 dS m-1) with delayed days to tasseling (55), days to silking (63) and days to physiological maturity (103). It is concluded that maize crop with the application of biochar at 10 t ha-1, farmyard manure at 8 t ha-1and NPK 50% (N: 75 kg, P: 60 kg, and K: 45 kg ha-1) of the recommended dose performed better and thus recommended for higher seed yield and productivity.
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