Agrian-wild Opuntia dillenii Fruit Extract can Ameliorative Cd Induced Hepatic Anomalies

Agrian-wild Opuntia dillenii Fruit Extract can Ameliorative Cd Induced Hepatic Anomalies


  • Khawaja Raees Ahmad 1. Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Sargodha, Pakistan
  • Amin Ullah Shah Amin Assistant Professor of Botany, University of Sargodha, Pakistan
  • Nabila Aziz Assistant Professor of Botany, University of Sargodha, Pakistan


ameliorative, , hepatic anomalies, , hepatocytes,, histopathological,, hepatoblast


Wild Opuntia dillenii, a spiny pest pear, is a cactus native to tropical and subtropical deserts and semi-desert land. It is completely ignored by farmers and researchers due to its prickly and spiny nature, but its flowers, reddish-purple fruit, and latex have potent medicinal values. The present research article evaluates the ameliorative role of Opuntia dillenii fruit extract (OFE) against cadmium (Cd) induced hepatic anomalies in mice.  Thirty albino mice (Mus musculus) were randomly equally grouped as C; Control, Cd; 50ppm Cd in drinking water for 15 days after followed withdrawal and Cd+OFE; (Cd +Opuntia dillenii) treated as Cd but additionally post-treatment by 0.2ml/12h OFE for next 7 days. Recoveries were made on the 23rd day of the experiment, and the liver was separated, weighed, and processed for further histopathological studies. Cd treated has irregular hepatocytes with large nuclei, steatosis and apoptotic cells with debris make constricted sinusoid spaces. There was a significant reduction of the number per unit area and cross-sectional area (CSA) of the hepatocytes with elevated (P<0.05) CSA of the central lobular vein. These pathological signs were convincingly recovered and regenerating hepatoblasts potential was dominant in the Cd+OFE group indicating the rescuing potential. These findings indicate the hepatoprotective role of the O.dillenii fruit extract on the hepatohistopathological changes of Cd exposure indicating their hepatoprotective medicinal importance for similar possible human benefits.


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How to Cite

Khawaja Raees Ahmad, Amin Ullah Shah Amin, & Nabila Aziz. (2023). Agrian-wild Opuntia dillenii Fruit Extract can Ameliorative Cd Induced Hepatic Anomalies. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Cutting-Edge Research (HEC Recognised), 1(1), 13–21. Retrieved from